$301,100 Collected – Goal $500,000 for Legal Defense Fund Join The Fight!

Sep 1st, 2016 | By | Category: News

The following is a press release from the FAST fundraising committee.
While you are enjoying the Celebration keep in mind the crisis that Tennessee Walking Horse Industry and all equine related industries are facing.
The USDA, by bypassing Congress is attempting to implement regulations that will have a devastating effect on show horses. If implemented these rules will destroy the one night shows, remove the pads, bands and action devices from horses with accentuated gaits like the Tennessee Walking Horse, Racking Horse and other performance breeds and place undue burdens on show management. The HIO will be eliminated and replaced by expensive vets and vet technicians directly licensed and virtually subcontracted to the USDA. Due process is once again being ignored.
The communities and charities dependent on the income generated by the shows will be adversely affected. Any equine agriculture based community will suffer the most, with not only direct income from horse related products reduced, but across the board monies for entertainment, restaurants, gas, groceries etc. will decline, along with a greatly reduced tax base from properties which are equine related.
When implemented, potentially as early as November of this year, these Regulations must be challenged legally. The initial expense is estimated at $500,000.
You can join the fight against the economic tsunami, by taking time during the show to give to the FAST legal/preservation fund and commenting on the HSUS backed regulatory changes.
In the stands there will be designated volunteers to collect donations and assist you with filling out comment forms, which can be picked up under the grandstand and at various sites around the grounds. The Walking Horse Trainers Auxiliary/Youth will be “passing the bucket” each night, stepping up doing their part to save the horses they love. Look for the red, white and blue buckets throughout the show in various places.
It is time for the entire Horse World to join together to fight this government overreach. You can do your part over the next 10 days by cheering for your favorite SHOW HORSE at The Celebration and by donating to the legal fund and sending your comments to the government.

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