United States Senator Mitch McConnell Receives Reese L. Smith, Jr., Distinguished Service Award

Apr 30th, 2024 | By | Category: News

Each year, the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Association awards the Reese L. Smith, Jr., Distinguished Service Award and presents it at the annual TWHBEA banquet. Due to a conflict with this year’s recipient’s schedule, the presentation of the award was delayed.
United States Senator Mitch McConnell was presented this year’s award for his tremendous support and dedication to the Tennessee Walking Horse industry for numerous decades. Steve Smith, the 2008 recipient of the prestigious award and son of Reese Smith, Jr., was recently in Washington, D.C. and made the presentation to McConnell.
Senator McConnell has been one of the greatest advocates and supporters of the Tennessee Walking Horse industry and certainly epitomizes the qualities the Reese L. Smith, Jr. Distinguished Service Award is meant to spotlight. During his extensive time in the United States Senate and his tenure as leader, McConnell has always been willing to advocate for the industry and the enormous impact it has on lives and rural communities in Kentucky and Tennessee.

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