SHOW UPDATE For Immediate Release May 21, 2021

Jun 3rd, 2021 | By | Category: News

The SHOW Board of Directors met yesterday afternoon. One of the topics of discussion was the following proposal, made by the SHOW Rules Committee, to clarify the Amateur, Owned & Trained Rule (AOT). The following was approved:

Amateur Owned & Trained to go under the section of “special classes” and the rule be as follows:

Amateur Owned & Trained:

No professional training within 90 days.
Professional training shall include grooming, warming up or riding the horse, bracing, coaching, corrective or informative instruction by a professional on the show grounds, or a professional hauling a horse that is AOT to a horse show. Bracing is not allowed by a professional.

Additionally, AOT horses should be owned, trained, and shown by the same person or immediate family member of the owner of the horse.

All persons involved must meet the requirements of amateur status.

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