May 23rd, 2013 | By | Category: News, Obituaries

World Champion Bama Bum B was lovingly laid to rest at “his farm” in Flat Creek Tennessee by  Dr. Krista Gillam of Rolling Hills Equine. Foaled June 12,1975 and affectionately known as  “Tojo” , he was one of the last surviving  offspring of 1973 World Champion Bama Bum B. He was out of the direct Merry Go Boy mare, Go Boy’s June Bride.
Not entering the show ring until he was nearly ten years old, Tojo’s  career was long and colored with blue ribbon rides by owner/trainer, Brenda Bramlett and owner Dr. Lana Beavers , Margaret Hubbard and an occasional catch rider. Ornery  and comical till the end, at the age of 38, Tojo’s life was a testimony to the longevity and personality that our breed possesses.
The SCOOP wishes to extend sympathy to the Bama Bum family. He was a tribute to our breed.

Photo by Walt Denney

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