WHTA Bedford County Support Day

Jul 3rd, 2012 | By | Category: News

The Walking Horse Trainers Association would like to declare July 10, 2012 as “Bedford County Support Day.” The Tennessee Walking Horse industry has always been a positive influence on the economy of Shelbyville and Bedford County. At this time, the industry would like to ask for the merchants of Shelbyville to please help keep the industry viable.

Due to recent negative national publicity, the industry has hired a very noted public relations firm to better communicate the progress that is being made in the welfare of our horses. Also, in an effort to stop abuse and prove our horses are sound, the “Trainers’ Enforcement Initiative” was put in place on June 15, 2012. This initiative utilizes gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technology to ensure our horses are sound. This initiative is very costly but a small price to pay to ensure the welfare of our horses and the livelihood of those that train those horses and the community of Shelbyville that relies so heavily on them.

On July 10, 2012, members of the Trainers’ Association and supporters of the Tennessee Walking Horse will be making rounds to all of the merchants in Shelbyville to solicit their support by purchasing a sign to be displayed in windows, yards, porches, etc. We are asking all training facilities, residents and businesses to please display a sign of support.

The sign reads “Proud Sponsor of the Tennessee Walking Horse Industry.” The price of the sign is $40. All of the money will go directly to the industry and its efforts to ensure the welfare of the horse. Call in advance and have your sign delivered early. You may contact the Walking Horse Trainers Association at (931) 684-5866 or whtrainers@gmail.com.

The Walking Horse industry depends on Bedford County and the city of Shelbyville and thus Bedford County and Shelbyville depend on the Walking Horse industry. Without the Tennessee Walking Horse, the economy of Bedford County would be devastated resulting in declining real estate values, fewer tax revenues, failing businesses, higher rates of unemployment, and higher crime rates. Please do what you can to support us in this endeavor on July 10, 2012 by purchasing and displaying your support sign.

We sincerely thank you for your support and for all you do as merchants and citizens to support our great horse and our proud tradition.

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