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Nov 1st, 2023 | By The Scoop | Category: Birth Announcements, NewsMaverick James Bramlitt Born on July 19th 2023 at 5:20 AM at the Women’s Hospital in Tupelo, MS. He weighed 3 lbs 2.7 oz and was 17 inches long. Maverick is the son of Christopher Bramlitt and Emily Briggs. Emily is very active in the horse industry and is known for her love for her two horses Just Call Me Ted and Plain Jazz. His grandparents are Keith and Sharon Bramlitt and Jeff and Shari Briggs. Being born at 34 weeks meant he would spend time in the NICU until he was over 4 lbs. Most babies born that early experience health issues, but this little guy was able to breathe on his own when he was born, and only spent two weeks in the NICU. He is definitely a warrior and the family is so thankful for their little blessing!