TWHBEA World Versatility Show Supported By Numerous Sponsors

Aug 20th, 2013 | By | Category: News

Lewisburg, TN – As with most any horse show, the 2013 Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ And Exhibitors’ Association (TWHBEA) World Versatility Show benefited from numerous sponsors. Each of these sponsors generously supported the show and they are each recognized on the Association’s website, Included in this group of sponsors, for the first time, was the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). The decision to accept a sponsorship from HSUS was made solely by the TWHBEA Pleasure Horse Committee, chaired by Pleasure Horse Vice President Rick Wies. As part of the terms of the sponsorship, HSUS was also allowed to set up an informative booth at the event, with the understanding that the information provided would abide by and honor the intent of the show. Booth space at the World Versatility Show was available to any individual or group on a fair and equal basis with the request made that each and every booth abide by and honor the intent and purpose of the event.

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