TWHBEA NEWS -Project Pegasus

Mar 1st, 2016 | By | Category: News

The Executive Committee of TWHBEA vote unanimously on Friday, February 19th, 2016, to approve “Project Pegasus.” This venture invests with the Walking Horse Equestrian Federation to coordinate several world-renowned equine veterinarians and other nationally renowned experts to develop scientific, predictable, pre-show objective tests for the sole purpose of protecting the Tennessee Walking Horse and their exhibitors. The singular standard is the health of our horse. The goal of “Project Pegasus” is to preserve and protect our show horse for generations.
The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association, the oldest and most prestigious
Walking Horse organization in the world, leads this project with a $125,000 investment made possible by the association, private donations, and contributions by all senior staff and Executive Committee members. Management of the fund is made possible by the directors of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ Foundation.
“Project Pegasus” has three objectives. Paramount of the objectives is that every Tennessee Walking Horse shown in competition is safe, sound, and healthy. The second objective is to guarantee a scientifically objective, fair, predictable, and accurate pre-show inspection. A healthy and vibrant show circuit remains the final objective. As Vice President of TWHBEA Nancy Lynn Greene states, “a healthy show circuit is not only vital but is directly related to the success of the breed.”
Please contact Tom Blankenship for more information at (317) 783-3167 or email at

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